• Silversmithing for 2025

    Silversmithing for 2025

    For the last few year the silversmithing workshop has been nicely rolling along this year we are opening up a few more places and maybe another day for teaching. we have had a increase of enquiries and new people joining this year so the decision has been taken to open up for new members  the lost over the last few years of trained trade...
  • House of wager loving cup

    House of wager loving cup

    MARSHALL COLMAN Visual arts and design history Menu STEVE WAGER, SILVERSMITH Marshall Colman craft 14 March 2023 1 Minute Steve Wager, whom I’ve known for several years as a fellow trustee of the Society of Designer Craftsmen, runs classes in his south London workshop for people who’d like to know something about the craft of the silversmith. Just for fun I went to one...
  • Featured in October‘s world of interiors magazine

    Featured in October‘s world of interiors magazine

    We have been featured with our hand raised sterling silver water/wine jug, The piece is called “Ugly Juggly”. Planished finished with gold plating inside. We hope you like it and look forward to seeing our next creation. 
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